The M31 gallery of reverse plastic:
Evans 6YR-21, Marvel 6YR-20, Marvel 6YR-15A
Evans 6YR-21: aka Marvel 6YR-21, 3 1/2"H x 2 1/4"W x 1"D
(red body, round grill) Marvel 6YR-15A: aka Baylor 6YR-15A, Corona 6YR-15A, Honeytone 6YR-15A, Mellow-Tone 6YR-15A, Trans-ette 6YR-15A, Wales 6YR-15A, 3 1/2"H x 2 1/4"W x 1"D
Three wonderful mini-shirtpocket radios. Because of how the dial plate was designed on the 6YR-15A, it's hard to find an example of this model that doesn't have a chip or crack in the reverse-painted plastic dial plate's vulnerable bottom outer edges...
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