The M31 gallery of reverse plastic:
1959 Crown TR-800
3 3/4"H x 6 1/8"W x 1 3/8"D
With its very " '50s" large-radius cabinet corners, painted speaker grill, massive slab of reverse-painted plastic, and the overall design in general, the Crown 800 is my candidate for "Coolest Coatpocket Transistor Ever Made, End of Story." * Other cabinet colors included black and turquoise.
* Well, that was then, and this is now -- "then" being five or ten years ago, and "now" being 2006. Alan Kastner has since then shown us all some AMAZING coatpocket sets that were marketed only in Japan or Canada. I still think the Crown 800 is the most beautiful coatpocket radio ever made that was marketed in the US, and maybe even still can hold its own in the company of those ultra-rare and stunning Japanese hothouse orchids. What do you think?