...Radio"...not ..."Comet" ...Speaker ...Richjewel ...Mystery Radio ...watch shtpkt ...watch shtpkt ...Solid State ...6X-148 ...shirtpockets ...a Hamilton ...Spica coatpocket ...T-50 coatpocket ...shirtpocket ...HK shirtpocket |
While it's true that many of the radios here only would qualify as "also-rans," there are a number of really fine radios in this gallery which should have been in the "Cool and Collected" gallery, if only I had dug them out of storage when I made the "Cool" gallery. These would be the radios found on first eleven pages in this gallery, from "Royal Scot" to "Fuji Weirdo Mystery Radio." The rest are worth looking at too, of course -- but mostly for historical context.
© 2007 by Robert Davidson, transistors@abetterpage.com |