The M31 gallery of... more Japan transistors

Nipco and Richjewel 6-transistor radios

Both of these cabinets are made of thermosetting plastic (like the Bakelite, Catalin or Urea tube tabletop radio cabinets of Days of Yore) rather than the softer (almost always ABS) thermoplastic material used for the majority of transistor radio cabinets in the '50s and '60s...

© 2007 by Robert Davidson,

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? Royal Scot
? Hitachi "Lolita

? Honeytone 601
? Sharp 182
? Realtone

? Avis AS-615
? Polyrad P-86
? Champtone

? NEC mini
? Nipco and

? Fuji Weirdo
...Mystery Radio

? Hitachi 627
? little Eden
? Crown 770R
? "Portalarm" shtpkt

? Sampson SC4000 shtpkt

? Vornado
? a sharp & solid
...Solid State

? Mitsubishi

? 2 metal-faced

? Realtone 1820
? Hitachi "Marie"
? G-L-O-R-I-A !
? a Play Boy &
...a Hamilton

? Golden Shield
? a Spica shtpkt &
...Spica coatpocket

? Matsushita
...T-50 coatpocket

? Panasonic

? Realtone 1871
? Falcon
...HK shirtpocket