The M31 gallery of...
cool & collected:
Danube 6-trans, Vista 966, and a tin toy joke radio
Danube 6-trans: 2 7/8"H x 2 1/8"W x 1"D
Vista 966: 3 1/2"H x 2 1/4"W x 1"D
"6 SUNY" joke radio: 3 1/2"H x 2 1/8"W x 1"D
The Danube -- like its aka cousins Honeytone, Monarch, and Tokai -- was a really "solid" teeny-tiny shirtpocket radio. Most of the teeny-tinys looked cheap & gimmicky, but these sets didn't skimp on cabinet quality even though they were toy-sized. The manufacturer here was Tokai.
The Vista 966 -- aka Fleetwood 966 and Petite 966 -- like the Global 711 and Zephry 620, is one of a number of Japanese transistor "icons" -- not because they're rare, but because they're cool looking and a lot of them were produced, making them among the best of the more commonly found Japanese transistors...
When you switch on the SUNY, the grill pops open and a cloth-&-wire-coil snake jumps out. The State Universities of New York claim no responsibility for what may result from this action. (aka DADY, & maybe several other monikers as well...)