Transistor Radios Around the World

Timeline ----- Radios by Country -----

Belmont Boulevard 5P113

Before '54

Regency TR-1 transistor radio

North America

Bebe Grammont transistor radio

Western Europe

Sony TR-63 transistor radio

Japan and Pacific

Eltra transistor radio

Eastern Europe and USSR

The 475+ pages on this site display transistor radios made between 1954 and 1968, as well as some of their pocket crystal radio and subminiature tube radio ancestors. Included here are some of the earlier transistor radios from Western Europe as well as rarely-seen transistor radios from former Soviet and East European countries manufactured between 1959 and 1968. The transistor radio was the first significantly popular mass-production consumer product to make use of the transistor, a device arguably considered to be the most important invention of the 20th century.

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